Open To Channel

What is Open to Channel?
What is the channel?

About the School
What do you receive?
Benefits of the school
Open to Channel is a beautiful program for anyone who wishes to open to their higher potential and connect deeply through their divine channel with their Higher Self.
Open to Channel teaches you to open your divine channel to your sacred spirit so you can share this in loving service with all beings, no matter where you go or what you do.
As you walk through this journey, you will learn how to co-create your reality on Earth with the support and guidance of your Higher Self.
As you experience Open to Channel through channeled activations and teachings from the Ascended Masters, you will learn to open your channel pillar to your higher consciousness and no more channel your lower shadow aspects.
A student study manual with 40 lessons and many audio recordings are supplied, you will also benefit from working in your groups together.
Everyone channels, the question to ask yourself is what or who are you channeling? The Open to Channel School teaches you to open your spiritual current and allow it to flow through you so that you can channel the highest levels of your being and resolve any part of you that is limiting or blocking this access to your divine self.
The Ascended Masters liken our light being to a very high skyscraper building with many levels. The channel pillar is our elevator that connects you to all of these levels - up and down. We are asked not to just visit the other levels in this elevator but to actually share the wisdom that is held on all of these levels through our channel pillar.
Your channel pillar they say, "is the elevator that takes you up or down and connects you with all that you are - the many amazing parts of you."
The focus in Open to Channel is not about getting 'messages' but to open your consciousness to embrace the many parts of you that hold your wisdom and your light and live this as your truth on the Earth.
And yes, when your channel pillar is open and clear it then allows your spiritual current to flow through you. When this occurs you are able to receive messages, wisdom, sound, images and lots more at a deeper level with profound clarity and knowing.
For the past 9 years, the Open to Channel School has assisted hundreds of students around the world to open their channel pillar to connect with their divine spiritual current.
This one-year program assists you to reconnect with who you truly are and supports you to activate your channel pillar (the light consciousness of your being) through your heart portal to receive and transmit your spiritual current on the Earth plane.
We now have many students who have gone on to teach to their own groups and others who have stepped into healing work in alignment with the guidance of the Ascended Masters and their own Divine Self.
Students who have been part of this school will tell you this work changes their lives at a profound level because they are able to come into peace in their hearts and know more of who they are and live this in their lives as their truth.
The student package includes:
1 x 367-page student manual with 40 lessons and 100s of Tools
1 x welcome letter with the name of your assigned Ascended Master and the gift they bring to teach you.
96 x MP3 audio recordings of channels, meditations and lessons (in English, less in French)
Membership to the Open to Channel Facebook (secure private) and/or messenger student group.
Assignment of a student Buddy – students will be grouped into pairs so they can work together for extra support.
Assignment of a Higher Self – includes the name of one of your higher selves channelled for you by Ishtar (This is given about 5 months after course starts).
Assignment of a special project that you will need to do and complete through the direct guidance of your Higher Self - the basic details of this is channelled for you by Ishtar.
On completion of the course a certificate of accreditation is issued to you.
Graduates may be invited to join the Mentors of Love and Wisdom Not for Profit organisation - an advanced group of students offering loving service to humanity in deep co-creation through the direct channel of a Higher Self.
PLUS lots of extra tools, guidance and assistance offered by your teacher during the course
If you remain committed to the work during the course of the school then you begin to:
Accept and manifest your Divine Self on the Earth
Find an inner peace and calm you have never known before
Discover that you stop reacting to everything in your life
Make choices that serve you to move forward and become more of who you are
Open to receive the guidance and support that has always been there for you, yet often you have been too distracted to receive
Accept and embrace your true gifts
Open to the miracles that are available to you in each moment in your life
Reach a higher potential in your life
It is up to you what you choose to receive from this school… no-one can do it for you, but we offer you the support and wisdom that you need to flow through the course and make the highest choices for yourself as you do the work.
One of the biggest benefits of this school is doing this work with a group of like-minded people. Many long-term friendships and heart-felt connections are made during this time together. We all learn so much from the wisdom of each other, the teacher and facilitators included!
Ishtar knows well the path of self-mastery on the Earth as she has done this herself. She is an embodied channel for the Ascended Masters and holds the Keepership of the Threefold Flame – knowledge, wisdom, and mystery and has manifested and anchored this keepership on the Earth and lives it as her truth. Ishtar is a wise and loving guide for all students of this course.
starts on Tuesday the 19th of November 2024.
The cost is $3555 and includes all materials plus three healing sessions.
If you are interested please send me an email or text for further info and registration.
I look forward to sharing with you this empowering and magical course.
In loving service, Shimara Sheehan
About The Channel
About This Course
How to Follow this Course
The Path of the Channel
Chapter One The Reluctant Channel
Chapter Two The Mystery School
Chapter Three My First Channel
Chapter Four Channel Training
Chapter Five Initiations Along The Way
Chapter Six Challenges That Help Us Grow
Chapter Seven What Are You Receiving?
Chapter Eight The Receiver
Chapter Nine The Blessing
Training Lessons 1-40
Lesson One Activate The Light Pillar
Lesson Two Be the True Channel
Lesson Three Saying Yes To God Within You
Lesson Four Aligning the Angelic Body
Lesson Five The Earth Heart Chakra
Lesson Six Working with the Code
Lesson Seven Manifest the Wisdom of God through your Channel
Lesson Eight The Channel Pillar
Lesson Nine A Gift from the Masters
Lesson 10 How do You Channel?-Part One
Lesson 11 How do You Channel?-Part Two
Lesson 12 Being in Presence
Lesson 13 Merging Aspects
Lesson 14 The Voidal Energy
Lesson 15 Journey of Light through the Voidal Planes
Lesson 16 The Physical Pillar of our Presence- Part One
Lesson 17 The Physical Pillar of our Presence - Part Two
Lesson 18 Council of the Divine Heart
Lesson 19 Discipline the Mind
Lesson 20 Connect with a Portal of Source
Lesson 21 Thought Forms
Lesson 22 Channelling Tips from Ishtar
Lesson 23 The Way Of Creation
Lesson 24 The Voidal Heart
Lesson 25 Your Multi-Dimensional Self
Lesson 26 Braiding for Embodied Channels
Lesson 27 Part One: Braiding To The Cosmic Golden Child
Lesson 27 Part Two: Information About the Activation
Lesson 28 Mergence with an Ascended Master
Lesson 29 Student Assistance
Lesson 30 The Mind is But the Tool
Lesson 31 Voidal and Light Energy
Lesson 32 Embracing The 12 Voidal Mothers
Lesson 33 Becoming Overwhelmed
Lesson 34 Sharing the Divine with Others
Lesson 35 You Are Divine
Lesson 36 Working with the Group Consciousness
Lesson 37 Master Activation of your Group Heart
Lesson 38 Fully Grounded in Your Pillar
Lesson 39 Activating the Christed Self
Lesson 40 Embrace all that You Are
Thank You from Our Deepest Heart
Tools of Assistance
Chapter I Monads and Souls
Chapter 2 The Light Body
Chapter 3 The 12 Energy Bodies
Chapter 4 The Chakras
Chapter 5 Activating and Balancing The Chakras
Chapter 6 The 12 Primary Chakras
Chapter 7 The Chakra Personalities
Chapter 8 The 12 Universal Rays
Chapter 9 Resolving Unbalanced Karma
Chapter 10 12 Primary Universal Laws
Chapter 11 Basic Energy Work
Chapter 12 Psychic Protection
Chapter 13 Basic Energy Tools
Chapter 14 Tools for Clearing Space
Chapter 15 Light Technology
Chapter 16 Assistance from the Ascended Masters
Chapter 17 Decrees to Lift your Vibration
Chapter 18 Affirmations to Lift your Vibration
Questions and Answers
Below are some amazing testimonials from previous students of this school:

Alex Corrodus, Australia
“The Open to Channel School is a wonderful opportunity to take your Spiritual development and understanding of who you are to a new and more enlightened level. For me the structure of the course, with the leadership of Ishtar and the assistance of the Ascended Masters challenged me to help me grow in a supported environment. I fully recommend this to anyone who wants to grow, learn more about themselves and their Spiritual development.”
Linda Mattar, UK
“Open to Channel has been the most elevating experience. I connected with my soul and inner light. The messages I receive are crystal clear and the joy in my heart is impossible to describe. I have finally found my peace through the most beautiful course I have had the blessing to be involved in. With love and light.”
Lily de Chalain, Australia
“After many years of doing different spiritual work with many teachers, I am so grateful to have found Ishtar and the Open To Channel School. It has been the most complete and truly amazing experience for me. I feel lighter, happier and more spiritually grounded than ever before. I now have a greater connection to all that I am, and to the Masters and I would highly recommend this course to anyone. With gratitude.”
Maria Perez-Goodman, USA
“The Open to Channel School is a wonderful opportunity to take your Spiritual development and understanding of who you are to a new and more enlightened level. For me the structure of the course, with the leadership of Ishtar and the assistance of the Ascended Masters challenged me to help me grow in a supported environment. I fully recommend this to anyone who wants to grow, learn more about themselves and their Spiritual development.”
Josephine Buchanan, UK
“The Open to Channel course brings to the student far more than just opening your channel pillar. It facilitates a deep spiritual healing and development and helps the initiate to both understand and focus on his/her Soul Mission. You have the constant support of the Masters oversouling the Course, especially the ones who choose to connect with you individually, and Ishtar is always there to help and encourage throughout. For the sincere, honest seeker of true spirituality, the Open to Channel Course offers simply the best way.”
Michele Gray,Australia
“How can I express in mere words the enormity of the gifts I have received through the Open To Channel School? How do I condense into a handful of phrases the growth, expansion, love and peace flowing in my life as a direct result of doing this work? How shall I convey in 1 dimensional words the grace, depth, compassion, love and wisdom of your Divine tutelage? How grateful am I for the abundance and bliss evident daily in my life as I continue to utilise the OTC teachings to live as a clear expression of my soul's purpose? How indeed? Words fail me!!!”